A new sketch

Pointless SketchOver Christmas I have done little drawing – been a mixture of busy with life and a lack of inspiration, so this morning I sat down with my pens, pencils and inks, and had myself draw something. I got some acrylic inks for Christmas and gave them a test. I rather like them; they give good, strong colour, which is easy to make either flat or tonal. I am never as happy with coloured work as with my line-art, but I make myself keep practicing! I think this piece would look good with more leaves, more perspective, or possibly set in winter all frosty (perhaps both!), so maybe I’ll try that next?

In other news, I’m doing some work for these guys. They look to be a good source of potential shows and suchlike for recent graduates, who (and believe me, I know) can find it hard to get an edge into the art world.

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